January 14, 2021
The wind blade transport trailer, as the name implies, is a vehicle used to transport wind power blades. The biggest feature of the wind blade transport trailer is that it has a longitudinal expansion function. Due to the super long model, it greatly increases the difficulty of turning. In order to overcome the curve driving difficult, the vane transporter is generally equipped with a hydraulic steering system.
Extendable Wind Blade Trailer in port
The main structure of the extendable trailer
The main structure of the trailer has four different characteristics, which are made of high-strength design and materials to enhance its function and operability.
This broadens the scope of use of this trailer, especially for handling different types of goods and transporting on different terrains.
Extendable beam
The retractable trailer has the ability to adjust it to the required length to withstand loads of different lengths according to the needs in a given application.
In this way, space can be created to bear a greater load. Therefore, since the sagging due to its too long length is prevented, the extendable part becomes more rigid. In this way, the safety during transportation from one point to another is enhanced.
The extendable beams also serve other functions in supporting the function and operation of the entire trailer. Ideally, hydraulic tubing and wires should also be installed here.
They are necessary to transmit signals from the gooseneck to its receptor.
Most importantly, the expandable beam can have 2-4 expansion levels. Therefore, depending on the size and nature of the goods to be transported, these extensions can be used to shorten or extend the trailer.
feedback of the extendable wind blade trailer from customer
Tail platform
In order to enable the trailer to carry longer cargo, there is always a tail platform in the trailer. This ensures that the goods are perfectly secured together during loading, transportation and unloading.
In order to adapt to different applications and uses, the tail platform usually has two structural types.
Folding platform
In this arrangement, the tail platform is designed to be folded back on the extendable beam when not in use. In order to withstand larger loads, it is usually deployed from a resting position when not in use.
The construction material of the extendable trailer is selected according to the expected load and the force acting on the base during loading, transportation and unloading.
Other considerations usually include size and dimensions. The maximum length of the extendable trailer is up to 62m, and the maximum capacity is 30 tons (after expansion).
Therefore, in the manufacture of this trailer, the choice of materials is very critical.
We use Q460 material (yield strength of 460Mpa) to make trailers. The choice is based on research and has been tested in various scenarios before being launched on the market.
Its reliability has been verified many times, especially in China, it provides reliable results in bearing various loads.
Carry out construction according to the characteristics of the materials listed in the table below (including safety factors). This makes the extendable trailer strong enough to withstand the specified weight and speed during transportation.
Way to control
Handling and controlling the extendable trailer is a very important part of our design. In order to ensure safe operation when moving goods from one point to another, many safety considerations have been made.
Ensure the safety of users and the goods themselves.
There are three methods that can be used to control the steering of a extendable trailer. These methods provide users with enough options to perform operations quickly and safely. They include: Remote control; The control box on the trailer; Automatic steering according to the signal of the gooseneck
Note: The automatic steering based on the gooseneck signal is more convenient and efficient than other steering modes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this, depending on the transportation scheme of a given cargo!
Extendable trailer testing
Why are China's wind turbine blade trailers more competitive?
In China, there is a lot of ongoing research work and the use of wind turbine blade trailers, which makes it more competitive than the rest of the world. Here are some reasons:
1. China's wind power industry.
China’s wind energy industry is developing rapidly, which is why it allows extendable trailer manufacturers to accumulate a lot of experience in dealing with the needs of different projects.
This industry provides a huge opportunity for China to enable manufacturers to build and test trailers used to transport wind turbine blades.
Over the years, this has been a process of continuous quality improvement, providing opportunities for fine-tuning the design and eliminating any design process.
This led to optimized designs, which have proven to be reliable after being widely used in China.
2. Easy to customize.
The ability to customize is essential for manufacturers of wind turbine blade trailers, so they can meet the requirements of different countries/regions.
Especially because of the rich experience gained in the manufacturing process.
We have been able to use the acquired knowledge and skills to match them with regulations outside China and develop trailers that can be used all over the world