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How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

December 28, 2020

The blade shape of the wind turbine blade is designed according to the aerodynamic characteristics, and the thickness of the trailing edge of the blade is small; the bucket structure adopts the shell and double beam design type, and the blade well shell is thin. According to the characteristics of the shape and structure of the blade, the stability, reliability and safety of the blade structure should be ensured during transportation, hoisting and storage.

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

3 Line 6 Axle Wind Blade Trailer

Transport of Wind Bades of Wind Blade Trailer

1.1 During transportation, each blade needs at least two support points, one at the root of the blade, and the other at about 2/3 of the length of the blade (pitch) or the length of the blade body (fixed blade), so that it can be divided equally. Deflection.

1.2 When supporting the main body of the blade, in order to evenly bear the load, it is necessary to use a support pad that is basically the same as the local wing shape. The radial length of the supporting pad is at least 500mm, the chord width is at least 500mm, and the thickness of the felt layer between the blade and the pad is at least 5mm.

1.3 The blade root support is supported at a position 100mm from the blade bow to the blue plate,. At least 4 bolts are required for fixing.

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

Adapter of Wind Blade Trailer Ready for Shipment

1.4 The transport bracket should be firmly fixed to the carrier body, and no relative movement should occur during transport

1.5 The elongation from the main support of the blade is not allowed to exceed 1/3 of the length of the blade. When encountering special road conditions, the extension length of the blade tip can be temporarily extended appropriately, and it should be restored immediately when the conditions are met.

1.6 When the blade is transported, the blade is not allowed to be placed horizontally, that is, the chord line at the maximum chord length of the blade is not allowed to be parallel to the ground, otherwise the blade strength should be affected

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

Wind Blade Trailer Testing

1.7 When the blade is removed from the transport vehicle and hoisted to the ground, the blade body must be adequately supported. Be sure to provide adequate support for the main body of the blade. When handling the blade, you should carefully protect the trailing edge of the blade to avoid local bending and local cracks.

1.8 If the blades are transported on the new route, in order to reduce transportation risks, the transporter needs to ascertain factors such as road conditions and the environmental conditions of the delivery location first, and then transport the blades after fully examining the transportation conditions.

1.9 It is not allowed to place non-fixed objects between the blades and the vehicle plate, so as to avoid moving objects to damage the blades during transportation

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

Lifting and Putting-Wind Blades of the Wind Blade Trailer

2.1 The leading edge of the blade should face down when hoisting.

2.2 When using nylon belt, the bandwidth should be at least 200mm

2.3 When the blades are assembled and unloaded at the factory and hoisted on site, the contact parts of the hoisted blades should be wrapped with 10mm thick felt to protect the blade surface. Be careful when loading and unloading blades, and avoid blade collision damage; during the process of loading and unloading blades, avoid excessive force on the leaf sequence.

2.4 When bundling or hoisting, each blade needs to use two nylon straps, one is located at the cylindrical part of the root of the blade, and the other is located at about 2/3 of the length of the blade. At the same time, rear edge and front edge protection plates should be used to avoid local damage or small cracks.

2.5 During the hoisting process, when the blade needs to be rotated, there should be a wider trailing edge guard plate at the trailing edge of the blade, the width of which is not less than 500mm

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?

2.6 When the wind speed is greater than 8m/s in the wind field, it is not allowed to lift the blades for installation. .4.7 During the hoisting process of the impeller, at least two control cables (non-metallic) should be used to make the blades leave the ground while being able to control their position well.

2.7 In the process of hoisting the blade, the blade must be hoisted slowly at a uniform speed, and it is not allowed to accelerate the hoisting of the blade, otherwise the blade lifting point will be subjected to overload and impact, which may cause damage to the blade structure.

2.8 For fixed-pitch blades, that is, blades that include a braking system, when hoisting, the blade cow carbon tube shaft is not allowed to be used as a lifting point. This will cause serious damage to the carbon tube and the shell at the slitting surface, and may cause damage. Dynamic system is destroyed.

2.9 When the blade is docked with Lunyi, when adjusting the blade to align with the bolt hole, it is not allowed to pad a rigid support under the blade, so as to avoid cutting the structural fibers and forming the origin of damage.

How to Store Wind Blades of Wind Blade Trailer?


3.1 Blades can be stored in the open

Store and transfer in the factory. The width of the supporting pad shall not be less than 260mm and shall be fixed with at least two bolts.

3.2 When storing in the wind field, each group of blades should be placed in the same direction, and the distance should be greater than 1.5m

3.3 According to the terrain and wind direction of the site, the roots of the blades should face the main wind direction when the blades are placed.

3.4 When storing in a wind farm, the roots of the blades need to be connected and strengthened. At the roots of the blades, connect the three blades of each pair with 4 angles to form a whole.

3.5 When storing in the wind field, at 3/5 of the length of the blade catty, connect the blades firmly with straps, and fix them with ground anchors on both sides of the blades. In order to avoid excessive wind speed blowing down the leaf well, causing damage to the blade. Note that before binding, a protective plate must be installed on the rear edge of the leaf catty to protect the rear edge from damage.